About Happy Tails Service Dogs

Happy Tails Service Dogs Training is dedicated to the education and training of a person with a physical disability and a dog to become a working team. This in turn will lead to greater independence in their homes, neighborhoods and communities. Learned tasks are based on individual needs of the owner, thus enhancing their daily activities.


Contact Us

Joyce Weber
One West Sequoia Dr
Phoenix, AZ 85027

Service Dogs

Service Dogs can assist an individual with a physical disability to be more independent in their home and or community. Some of the skills the service dog may learn are:

    • Opening / closing doors
    • Retrieving fallen objects
    • Turning lights on/off
    • Carrying objects
    • Going to get help


Service Dogs often enhance socialization and are loving, dependable companions.

Student Requirements for Participating in Classes

  1. Arizona Resident
  2. Have a physical disability as recognized by the Americans with Disabilities Act
  3. Be willing to commit to 2 hours a week of classroom training as well as home training for approximately 15 months
  4. Be able to provide essential care of a dog

Service Dog Requirements

  1. Age of dog should be no younger than 12 months and no older than 4 years old
  2. Proof of being Spayed/Neutered
  3. Licensed
  4. Current immunizations
  5. Successfully complete one obedience class
  6. No aggression

© 2024 Happy Tails Service Dogs