About Happy Tails Service Dogs

Happy Tails Service Dogs Training is dedicated to the education and training of a person with a physical disability and a dog to become a working team. This in turn will lead to greater independence in their homes, neighborhoods and communities. Learned tasks are based on individual needs of the owner, thus enhancing their daily activities.


Contact Us

Joyce Weber
One West Sequoia Dr
Phoenix, AZ 85027


We rely on your donations to provide service dog training to individuals in need. Please consider making a donation to our program today. We are a 501 c3 nonprofit organization and your donation is tax deductible.

There are several ways to make a donation to Happy Tails Service Dogs.

• United Way charitable contribution campaign through your employer.
• Fry’s Community Rewards Program

Sign up at https://www.frysfood.com/topic/new-community-rewards-program

When you get there click on the Fry’s icon

Click on Register and create an account.

Close it out and you will get an email saying you created an account.

Go back and sign in with your new password then register your card.

Each time you edit something, you have to wait until it processes it then continue.

• Mail a donation to:

Happy Tails Service Dogs 
1 West Sequoia Drive
Phoenix, AZ   85027


© 2024 Happy Tails Service Dogs